Getting To Know Your Customers Better
Knowing your customers can bring so many different benefits to your business. It can help you tailor your products, and promotions to consumers who are likely to interact with them. In fact, businesses who know their customers, and offer a better experience perform almost 80% better than their less engaged competitors. However, knowing how to get to know your customers can be a minefield. Here are our simple tips and trick to help you.
Build Customer Profiles
Customer profiles can be exceptionally useful. These are basically characters that showcase your ideal consumers. They will document their interests, buying habits, incomes, age, gender, goals, and challenges. These profiles should be made using as much analytical data as you can access. Your analytics for your website, and social media accounts can help you tailor your marketing strategies. Your profiles should help you determine how your ideal consumers will react to new products, new promotions, and new advertising.
These profiles can also help you determine how well your ideal consumers are reacting to your brand overall. Perhaps you may need to make some changes to your website, your social media profiles, or your logos or branding.
Engage With Your Existing Customers
Utilize your social media accounts. One of the best things about social media is that it gives you a way to interact with your customers directly, so use it. You can post content that encourages a conversation. You could try posting short polls to get customer opinions and use the results to begin a dialogue.
Another option is to create a private Facebook group and invite your customers to join. However, you should make this specific to a single topic. For example, if you are launching a new product, you could use the group as a focus group.
You also need to respond to customer reviews. Your response should be quick, personal, and professional. It doesn’t matter if these reviews are positive or negative. Customers react well to brands who engage with them over their feedback. As well, around 90% of people have said that online reviews, and how companies interact with them can have a major impact on their own purchasing decisions.
Invite User Generated Content
While only a few companies are using this technique, it should not be discounted. Inviting your customers to provide their own content to you gives you unparalleled insight into their lives. You should offer your customers an incentive to participate. You could create a specific hashtag, and ask your customers to submit a photo showing a typical day in their lives. You could ask them to write a blog post on what is most important to them. You could ask them to show themselves using your product.
Begin A Customer Loyalty Scheme
Millions of brands have a customer loyalty scheme because they work. They encourage customers to return, and they give them closer insight into their customer’s buying habits. This means that they can offer their customers tailored promotions, and targeted ads. Around 80% of people reported that a customer loyalty scheme can make them much more likely to return to that brand.
Talk To Your Sales Team
Your sales team are the people who actually interact with your customers. Talk to them and ask their opinions. Involve them in any potential changes. Get their feedback on your customer profiles, promotions or new products. They may be able to offer a greater understanding of what your customers really need.
Act Like A Customer
It’s always a good idea to periodically act like a customer yourself. This means that you take the same consumer journey as your customers do. It can help you identify what works on your website, and what doesn’t. It can show you where customers are becoming frustrated, and what you’re doing that works well.